Daily painting #91: Silver pot (in progress)

I posted some compositional sketches for this little pot last week, and today I finally got around to painting it. It’s a challenging subject, so I’m not close to finishing, especially as I haven’t even begun painting the two glasses in the background. But it’s a good start. Here’s a look at just the pot:

Geoff Watson, “Silver pot (in progress),” detail, oil on linen, 5” x 7,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Silver pot (in progress),” detail, oil on linen, 5” x 7,” 2019.

And here’s the whole picture, with placeholders for the two glasses behind the pot.

Geoff Watson, “Silver pot (in progress,” oil on linen, 5” x 7,” 2019.

Geoff Watson, “Silver pot (in progress,” oil on linen, 5” x 7,” 2019.